Monday, 1 June 2015

Wise shopper

=>Are you really serious about saving?

=>Do you want to increase you financial IQ?

=>Do you want to live big with small budget?

=>Do you want to get more out of the cash in pulse?

=>Do you want to know ‘secret App’ that let you buy at cheaper price?

=>Do you want to get out of financial illiteracy (what millionaire use to their advantage)?

=>Do you want to know ‘things you need to do to increase your credit score’?

=>Or do you have any (money-saving) questions unanswered?

NOTE: If you say, yes to any of the above question, congratulation. It means the special message on this page is for you.
we all deal with cash, considering saving, is like making choice of peaceful mind, better future (that we imagine) and choice to become rich because saving makes ‘safe’ living’ -Olagunju K. Mary

HELLO, welcome to official page of "Wise Shopper" By: A.K Peter.
The popular meaning of shopping has been, the process of browsing store to buy goods, however; “Shopping” doesn’t mean grocery purchasing alone (according to the content of this book). The meaning is numerous, but it include (but not limited to),
  •  Managing your finances and income wisely,
  •  Method of spending and saving that help to have income ‘left over’, also it means
  • Taking charge of how your money is been distributed productively and other meaning-as slated in this book.

People are always trying to save money, especially with today’s economy.  No matter what your reason for saving, through this e-book, you will discover ways never considered.
The price of everything has gone up, requiring people to be more conscientious about money.  The problem is that by the time the mortgage, car, utilities, and credit cards are paid, there is little money to put aside.  Saving money is not that hard, just a matter of learning all the different options and being creative (financially intelligent).

In addition to the obvious of putting money into a retirement fund or savings account, there are hundreds of ways to save money.  Although some ways of saving may not seem like much, once you add them up at the end of the year, you will see how substantial the savings really are.  Keep in mind that saving is more than a single lump sum of money put aside.  Saving is something found in your everyday life by the way you live and the choices you make.

Rome was not built in a day and neither will your bank account be.  Each penny saved is one more penny than before.  If you have the ability to save big, that is great.  However, most people are not in that position, which is why this course will show you how little savings can add up quickly. Be encouraged that it is never too late to start saving, regardless of your age.  Set your mind that now is the time to start building your future.
               Research has it that, ‘people that find it difficult to manage resources usually fall to the trap of debt, poverty, business-rundown, and other financial related difficulties, so they hardly make wealth’. What Aspect Of Shopping Does this Book Is Applicable Or Is USEFUL For

Groceries (Foodstuff and Household materials), Phones, Electronics, Cars, Wears (Clothing), Toys, Beauty Materials, Gift Cards, Detergents, Office Tools, DVDs and Movies, Laptops, Televisions, Cameras, Phones And Other Electronic Devices, Antiques, Art, Books, Collectibles, Crafts, Pottery And Glass, Sports Memorabilia, Real Estate, etc. or “ANYTHING” that involve buying or paying money. The book is here for LUCKY READERS' to help THEM in decision making on areas like shopping, home finance decisions, business finance decisions and shopping related aspects.
Purpose Of The Book.
“Buying ONLINE or OFFLINE is easy, but buying exactly what you want, at the lowest price, or locally can be a challenge”.-Alisa Miller

Just like anybody else, what you must first ask yourself about this book is that; “Will this book be useful (helpful or beneficial) for me? The answer is ‘YES’. You should also go further by asking the second wise question that; “How can I know”? You will find the answer from ‘the points below (the benefits or advantages you will get from buying this book’. All other questions you can ever think of, are “all answered” in this book.
=>Look at how hard it was to get money; it’s advisable to get “Recommended” shopping tool? Just as it is necessary to travel to an unknown place with accurate map so also it’s important to have right shopping tool, Since “NO ONE CAN DO WITHOUT SHOPPING” and in order to save (on everyday shopping you make), there’s a need for a right tool like "Wise Shopper". In you will discover;
  •  4 Clever Reasons Why It Is Wise To Consider Saving
  •   15 Deadly Possible Occurrence That Might Before Anyone That Do Not Save
  •  11 Sensible Questions To Ask Before Making Any Purchase
  •  6  Dangerous Time That is Not Ideal To Make Any Purchase Or Shopping
  •  5 Steps On How To Buy Lowest Price Of Any Item(s)
  •  4 Recommended Steps On How To Go About Purchasing “In Proper”
  •  How To Tell If You Have Bought The Right Item- 3 Signals

=>Are you aware that you can buy household goods at cheaper price with some shopping APP? Why can’t you take advantage of this amazing APP?   In Wise Shopper you will discover what is called “price match website (for PC)” and “price match APP (for MOBILE)”. This a free website and APP which is free, easy, and design to solve buyers problems relating to shopping. With this newly discovered websites and APP you will be able to find lowest price (super cheap price) of goods (all day), like fashionable men’s and women's, children’s’, clothing and amazing styles at cheap prices. You will also be able to find other amazing benefits on other products like Books, CD, Detergent, Beauty Kits, Sunglasses, Belt, Hats and Other things (ANYTHING) with prices at its lowest, with Free Shipping.
You can't go wrong with shopping with these APP because you won't have to completely empty your pockets and feel guilty about buying a bunch of things later. You will be able to save as 50% more than before and increase your income lifespan.
=>President Advisory Council On Financial Compatibility of The US. In one of their publication titled; “Money As You Grow: 20 THINGS KIDS NEED TO KNOW TO LIVE FINANCIALLY SMART LIVES” Point number six (6) said “It’s good to shop around and COMPARE PRICES before you buy.”  That means it’s recommended that we compare prices. (Source:money as you grow dot org).
=>With this superior (NEW) amazing APP (and websites) you will (apart from price matching) also be able to look for new released styles (males & females shoes, cloth, bags, accessories, purses, cloths, graphic tees, dresses, sun-glass, skirts, fragrances and much more, jewelries, accessories etc.) Where you will enjoy benefits like buy some pair and get pairs for free, free shipping, cheap prices, Coupons, Discount, Bonus, Bonanza, Free give-away, etc. on “anything” you wish to buy. All this you will see inside "Wise Shopper", you are suppose not to be ignorance of this APP, because the benefit you will get while you are using it is endless.
=>With this book one will be able to know the different between 'what you want' AND ‘what you need'-(because the two is a close ‘words’ but which has a huge financial benefit, as claimed by finance experts. It also the (Top secret) of how to make successful shopping). "Wise Shopper" contains not only what you know, (about this two terms) but also all you need to know about this terms, so that you will have more shopping and financial prudency.
=>Before making “any” purchase, there are some recommended question you must ask yourself and answer. Questions like “do I need this thing” or “why must I chose this one” etc. Which will help (Assist) you in manage how you spend, so that you will prevent wasteful living. These are questions that financial experts want everybody to ask themselves before buying anything, which will prevent them from fallen into financial hardship. In fact, you need to ask yourself and then find answer to them. So that you will spend less, get more, prevent financial foolishness, prevent spending errors, avoid debt and have extra cash. In Wise Shopper you will discover “The 9 Golden Question You Must Ask Yourself Before Making Any Purchase” (shopping) and the Accurate question to it.
=>Do you know that in finance, its not all time that is advisable for spending (shopping), so that one will not get into financial crisis. Maybe at home or on business?
For someone to maintain a “financial stability”, there are circumstances that is not advisable to make purchase. In Wise Shopper you will be able to see “6 Instances That Finance Expert Has Proven That Is Not Healthy To Make Shopping” all you need to know before buying anything so that you will maintain financial stability.
=>”A drop of water make a mighty ocean” Have you ever try saving, but having difficulties in making it big, or doing it conveniently or not finding it easy? Do you know that even as little as $50 daily wages one can start saving and make it big from there? Most people wanted to save so that they will not be poor or meet emergency needs or for them to make more money and become rich. But it’s a pity 86% doesn’t know how to do it. This book (Wise Shopper) provide (reliable, easy and appropriate) step-by-step of how to start saving and make it big. One proverb says ‘a drop of water makes a mighty ocean’ so with Wise Shopper you will learn to save even with that small or large of your income.

=>Also, In the book, you will find out The Parkinson’s Law’ and how to rise above it. The law says no matter how much money people earn, they tend to spend the entire amount and a little bit more besides”-it simply means as income increase expenses also increases. Wise Shopper gives more than three(3) interpretations of the law. What will you profit from knowing this interpretations? You will know tips of Making and keeping wealth, how to conserve resources. And how to keep it growing, Keep it growing all-day-long. With the interpretation you will learn…
  •  How people get into debt unknowingly
  •  How to avoid debts Totally
  •  5 General Financial Precaution on the use of cash machine
  •  15 Greatest Fact To Know About Money; That Will Help You To Live A More Meaningful Life
  •  Guide to Getting Rid of Your Debts
  •  How To Never Lack Again: 5 Things That Make You Stand While Others Are Falling Financially
And much more………

=> Do you know that when you are financially alright you can escape major life calamities’? Do you know that, this study will help you to consider more saving and change your attitude towards saving? Sweet home and pleasant life is all we ‘dream of having’ and it’s very good. But do you know that money is part of the sweetness of it? (money is the answer and the master key to all things), but do you also know that, if you are unable to manage your income (money-salary-wages-income) very well you might find it difficult. In a textbook written by PAUL R. AMATO And DENISE PREVITI from (The Pennsylvania State University) Titled People’s Reasons for Divorcing: Gender, Social Class, the Life Course, and Adjustment. They claimed that; financial issues (inability of either of the spouse to manage cash appropriately, incessant broke as a result of wasteful spending, etc.) are some of the top causes of Divorce, sleeping disorder, poor productivity, domestic unrests, attempted suicide, mental problems, and Personal life hardships. Therefore ("Wise Shopper") is here to proffer solution to this serious financial issue since it relate to buying, shopping or purchasing an item. Because our ability to use our income well will dictates whether there will be anything left on us to spend or meet needs at home or business. With Wise Shopper you will discover ways to prevent personal finance mismanagements, and know “how to cut your coat according to your size”.
=> Do you know that been a “financial illiterate” might cause you more harm than good? Just as the saying goes that “illiterate is a disease”, another one says “the fool and his money will soon parted” as a result of this, in this book ("Wise Shopper") you have been provided with all the tips you need to know, for you to become Financially Literate so you escape all possible hardship that can happen to who doesn’t acquire such knowledge before.
=>it has been learnt that indecent use of credit cards and other ‘near money’ can land someone into financial hardships or difficulties and debt?
"Wise Shopper" will give you the 12 Do’s and Don’ts’ of Credit cards”, master cards, personal account usage, debit cards, and other transaction items.
=>Do you know there is something call 'Astray Shopping’? Do you know also, that it happens to everyone at one time or the other in the history of one’s life? Do you know that it’s even responsible for income drowning (financial dry out)? The book unveils 4 Ways Of Avoiding ‘Astray Shopping’.
=>Do you know that been academically intelligent doesn’t equal financially brilliancy? With Wise Shopper you will be able to know "HOW TO Think Fast and Make Brilliant ‘Financial Decision’.
=>British Psychological Society in one of their publication, titled; “Behavior Change: Personal Debt” in it, they affirmed that, debt is inevitable for “anyone” and is one of the major cause of high levels of anxiety, physical ill-health, attempted suicide, suicidal ideation, general psychological distress etc. In the book ("Wise Shopper") you will be able to see “How And Why People Get Into Debt ‘Unknowingly’, what to do for someone not to get to debt, what will be the solution for debt(how to put an end to debt in less than 30days) and all you need to know for you to build up your ‘money reserve’. We don’t put door to house after when thief has break-in, we put it there to keep thief away, if you never get into debt this book contain all tips you need to know to ‘run’ a debt-free-lifetime.
=>Do you also make some “shopping mistake” that most people made? Just as the saying goes that “mistake has no master”, this means mistake is common to every human being. The book Wise Shopper UNCOVER 101 Shopping "Mistakes" Every Successful Shoppers Must Avoid”, -it’s true that we cannot run away from shopping mistakes but how can we turn this mistake to gain. How can we profit from them. And how can we even minimize it totally. Beside these, you will be able to know how to turn these mistakes around and save MORE OF YOUR INCOME, daily, weekly, monthly and annually. So that you will be able to buy the items you should buy instead of buying things you should not {a common phenomenon that affect every body}.
=>Do you know that 89% percent of shoppers are TERRIBLE shoppers’'? Inside Wise Shopper you will discover “The 5 Traits Of Terrible Shoppers And How To Avoid It”. Also, the book will give you ALL YOU NEED for you to stop a 'disappointing shopping’ habit.
=>Do you wish to know the secret behind, buying any used product so that you will buy the best (that last-long)? Buying items at-times is not as difficult as buying the one that last-long and which you will not regret of buying them. Inside Wise Shopper you will discover amazing tips for buying new and used item in order to select wise and ever-lasting ones. So that you won’t waste your money on bad gadgets (either electronics, phones, cars, or “ANYTHING ELSE”. In the book (wise shopper) you will be exposed to “10 Things To Consider Before Buying Any New or Used Item”. The uncommon secret that all manufacturer never want you to know.
=>Do you know that the amount of hours you used online is not as important as what you have done while online? It has been found that 85% of those that stay online hardly get meaningful things done i.e. things that add positively to their personal life or business. Inside ("Wise Shopper") you will discover how to maximize your time while surfing the internet, so that you will have enough time to do all you want to do, and do only thing that is worthwhile. So that you will know how to manage time, life and become more productive in life. Maybe in your home or business or education. So in the book you will find-out “4 Tips For Making Effective Use Of Surfing Time”
=>Cyber fraud cases (online scams). It is a pity that people are continually fell to the hand of online cyber-crimes, such as hijacking of people’s personal details for fraud, sneaking into people’s bank account, and manipulations of credit-cards details, diversion of people’s bank funds, etc. it is also affirm that it account for more than $2billion were lost to cyber-fraud between 2013-2014 alone, as reported by a Canadian online security service. Unfortunately they only warn that online citizen must be careful-as it can happen to anyone (so far such a person is surfing online). Inside Wise Shopper you will discover “FIB’s Recommended Tips Of Detecting Online Fraud Websites”. And “40 Deadly Personal info That Require care Before Giving it Away”.

In the aspect of ‘HOME MANAGEMENT’.
=>DO YOU KNOW THAT "Around 16 million gallons of gas is wasted every year from cars Sitting in line at places like burger king. With "Wise Shopper" you will know LATEST method of saving GAS AND CUT DOWN cost on gas (This also applicable for Gasoline, diesel, solar energy.
·         15 Greatest Money Saving Tips Of ALL Time-That Works
·         10 Proven Tips That Will Quickly Reduce Your Food Expenses By 50% Forever
·         15 Tips That Helps To Saving Gas, Reduce Gas Cost And Increase Gas Millage Forever

=>With "Wise Shopper", you will discover NEW METHOD of reducing power usage, so as to reduce your ELECTRICITY BILLs, Water Bills, Gas usage, etc.
=>Do you have issues with your cars performance always? Or do you want to know the best kept secrets, that cars manufacturers will never tell anyone? Inside "Wise Shopper" you will discovered “60 Mechanic Ways To Make Your Car Last-Longer”. This will help you to know how to keep it performing well, reduce it gas (fuel) usage, make more speed, serve you more and enjoy your money on it.
=>You will also know how to make a SUCCESSFUL Garden and Yard farming.
=>Above all, due to increasing rate of environmental degradations and rapid weather changes and the need to Safeguard our planet, the book contains new ways on ‘100 Different Ways To Go Green” so that we will save today’s life and that of tomorrow. It shows how to go green in homes, gardens, automobiles, etc. A number of endless lists of benefit might be deceptive at times, but there are more you will like in this book than the listed benefits.
=> Lifetime, 100% Money Back Guarantee. Which means you have nothing to lose.

This means (after getting this book) you will enjoy.
Instead of buying at high price you will discover how to buy at cheapest price on every shopping you make, together with how you can get free giveaway, Bonanza, Promo-code, Coupon, Free-shipping, Discounts, and all you can ever think of. Instead of financial illiteracy you will uncover tips that will give you High ‘financial IQ’ for successful finance life, at home and business. Instead of you to have problems in your personal life, the story will be a better thing, so that you will keep more money whenever you spend, know how to wise-spend your money, prevent or get out of debt.
Though you might be experiencing ‘bills add-ups’, but with Wise Shopper what you will enjoy is Reduction in your monthly, Electricity bills, Water bills, gas usage, home heat consumptions etc.  by 50% guaranteed.
You will able to shopping Mistakes that’s common to every shoppers.
Lack of ‘left-over’ will become more extra cash. No more terrible shopping.
Increase financial understanding. You will enjoy life free of financial headache.
And many other things……………….
What Next……..
To have access to this uncommon benefit, the only thing you can do is to get a copy of wise shopper. That is all you need to do for you to stay above those that are yet to discover the great tricks and tips present in this book.
Great Question
But if you get this book, do you NEED to Sit down and start reading?
No, Never, you don’t need to stress yourself on reading.
The Author A.K Peter, has known that it’s very difficult to sit down and start reading because it is time consuming, boring, uninteresting and very difficult to easily read and comprehend such a long page. Because of this, the author has make it simple by spending huge sum of money on translating the book into audio version, and giving it FREE to those that get the book-the author said “this will help to extend the huge benefit of this book to every home and every individual, even to those that doesn’t have enough time to sit down and read, or those who cannot read or write at all, ….”. As part of selfless service of the author he has ready to give out 5-CD Audio Version of this amazing For Free.

Special BONUS
(NOTE): (For Price and Bonuses)
Please! it is good to let you know that, concerning the Price and Bonus (and other rewards available for those who get this book) is not to last long, i.e. it’s for short period of time as things might change very soon. Those that order now are those that are qualify for this bonus and low price because those that doesn’t order now might be at disadvantage.  Don’t let this brilliant opportunity pass you by. Its better you act quickly, get your copy now. And start enjoying 50% cut in every shopping you make forever.
Bonus Packages

  • 5-CD Audio Version of the EBook(Instant DOWNLOADABLE) that worth $50
  • Beauty tips eBooks worth $16.00
  •   “200 Advance Money saving Strategies” worth $19.99
  • 150 Advanced ways ‘To Go-Green’ worth $14.99
  • "Budgeting eBook”worth $29.99 
  • 100 Lawn Care Tips worth $19.99
  • Weight-Loss eBook Worth $39.99
  • Recipe ‘eBooks’ Worth $60.00
  • ‘How To Increase Productivity In Life’worth $9.99
You get bonus worth $260.94 FREE  
And MOREAllTotally Free................Thanks
IN CONCLUSION, the book is not acclaimed to be 'all-in-all' but it contains practically useful content that each readers need, all they should have known, things sellers don't want them to know, since it’s solely prepare to serve as useful guide for every owners. The need to get a copy is also as wise as the need to enjoy the benefit and importance the book is prepared to serve.


Pre-Release Preview
Before the Book was Formally Released this is what People say about it.

Since I have read your book, I have found out that saving and having a financial difficulties is over in my finances. Your book is helpful thanks. - (John Sylvester, USA)

Your book is second to none. The stuff inside are great and benefiting. I am lucky to read a book like this, peter I expect more from you. - (Blessing Rose, UK).

I don’t know what others might think but in my own perspective, your book is okay. it gives solution to all my financial (shopping) problems while it also help me in making brilliant and accurate financial decision making in my home and my business. The steps are simple. God bless you peter. - (Prescilla Isabela, Mexico)

The tips in your book is more than I can describe, in fact it’s wonderful. Now I am able to shop, save, and reduce my bills with the wise living tips I read in your book. All house need a publication like this. Thanks to A.K peter. (Joy Williams, Mississippi USA).

Your book gave me the wisdom I need to achieve financial fulfilment. Since I have read it I am able to save more, no broke (financial dry-out) or unnecessary spending. Your book will be relevant for anyone who get it. - (Hammed Malik, India).

I enjoyed your book peter, it also help me in my home management, and peace is now at all areas of my spending and savings. (Elizabeth Johnson, UK)

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